PPT - Equilibrium


  • Equilibrium is the state of the market where there is no tendency for either demand or supply to change - i.e quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied #testanswer
Outline the concept of market equilibrium
  • Equilibrium Price is the price that clears the market, where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied
    • Changes in the market result in temporary surpluses or shortages which then cause price to change to reach new equilibrium
  • Occurs through the price mechanism
    • This is the process by which the forces of demand and supply interact to determine the price of a good or service $\rightarrow$ helps to clear shortages and surpluses within the market
  • Adam Smith's Invisible Hand theory relates to the unobservable market force that helps the demand and supply of goods in a free market to reach equilibrium automatically
    • Enabling people to trade freely
Explain the concepts of market clearing, shortages and surpluses
  • A shortage is where quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied
    • Consumers bid among themselves for the limited goods so the price of the good increases
    • In the diagram below, we can see that at $P_2$, Quantity supplied is much lower than demanded, so there is a shortage, away from the equilibrium of Pe. One thing missing from the diagram: the area of shortage should be indicated
      • For this market to clear, for equilibrium to be achieved again, Consumers will bid amongst themselves for the limited supply, increasing the price and leading to a contractionary movement along the demand curve. Because of this, there will be an expansionary movement along the supply curve, achieving market equilibrium again. #testanswer


  • On the other hand, surplus is when the quantity supplies exceeds the quantity demanded
    • Firms lower their prices to clear excess stock. The same as the above diagram, but the surplus is above the equilibrium
    • For this market to clear, Suppliers will lower their prices in order to sell excess stock, leading to a contractionary movement along the supply curve. Due to these lowered prices, there will be increased demand - an expansionary movement along the demand curve. Together, these movements will achieve market equilibrium. #testanswer
  • Both surplus and shortages occur because prices are either below or above $P_e$. (below for shortage, above for surplus)
Explain the effects of changes in demand and/or supply on market equilibrium, including simultaneous shifts of demand and supply
  • When there is a one-way shift in demand/supply there will be a temporary shortage or temporary surplus
    • The market will clear, however
    • To explain a one-way shift #testanswer
      1. Identify the non-price factor
      2. Does it lead to an increase/decrease - rightward or leftward shift
      3. At original price, compare quantity demanded and supplied of new curve
      4. Identify temporary shortage/surplus
      5. Action taken to clear the market - by the consumers, or the producers
      6. Expansion/contraction in demand and supply curves
      7. The new equilibrium, comparing it to the original