PPT - Causes Of Market Failure

Outline the classification of goods

Private Goods
  • Are rival and excludable
    • for example, clothing, food.
Club Goods
  • Are non-rival and excludable
    • Gyms, Concerts
Merit & Demerit Goods
Merit Goods
  • Goods that are produced that have large external benefits for society
    • Goods that will be underprovided in the economy if the product is left in the market
Demerit Goods
  • Goods that are produced that have large external costs for society
    • Goods that will be overprovided if left in the market
  • Are private goods as they are both rivalry and exclusive

Describe the public goods and the free rider effect

Public Goods
  • Non-rival and Non-excludable
    • E.g. national parks, lighthouses, national defence
Free rider effect
  • Public goods cause the free rider effect
  • Free riders enjoy the benefits of the consumption of a resource without paying for the cost of provision
  • This can lead to over-consumption and rapid damage of a public resource

Describe common resources and the tragedy of commons

Common Property Resources
  • Are rival and non-excludable
    • Fish in the ocean
Tragedy of Commons
  • Common Property Resources lead to tragedy of commons
  • Refers to the over-consumption of common property resources, e.g. over-fishing
  • Occurs as the resource is readily available and there are no restrictions on consumption
  • However, once consumed the resource is not available to any other party, leading to depletion of the resource.

Discuss the policy options to reduce market failure associated with Public Goods and Common Property Resources

  • Common Property Goods: Enforce restrictions on consumption - e.g. fishing limits, no-fishing zones, fishing licenses, etc.
  • Public Goods: Create ownership of the resource, e.g. fees for public transport, fines for damaging public property