
Macroeconomic objectives

  • The key macroeconomic objectives are
    • Sustainable economic growth
    • Price stability
    • Full employment
  • Economic growth is defined as an increase in the real output of goods and services produced in a country
    • Measured in GDP
    • A desirable growth rate in Australia is 3% p.a.
      • We want to ensure sustainability and employment


  • Encompasses means;
  • Price stability
    • refers to low levels of inflation
    • The target is 2-3% p.a.
    • This is important; inflation adversely affects the spending power of households and firms
  • Full employment
    • Occurs when everyone who is willing to work can find employment
    • We want a natural rate of unemployment - currently 4.5% of the workforce
  • Must recognise personal goals
  • We can implement this into the PPF curve by a shift to the right


  • Is the total market value of final goods and services produced in a country in a certain period of time
  • Can be nominal or real
    • Nominal is GDP before inflation
    • Real is GDP after inflation is accounted for
  • This is demonstrated in the diagram below