Energy & Work


  • Is the ability to do work, measured in $Joules \space (J)$
    • Work, then, is measured in joules too. It is the change in energy of an object, so basically $\Delta E$
    • This is $F_s$
  • Energy is a conserved quantity. Then, Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, though it can be transferred or transformed.
    • Transfer = type of energy is unchanged
    • Transform = one type of energy becomes another type
  • We're only really interested in two types of energy;
    • Mechanical energy i.e kinetic and gravitational potential,
      • Kinetic: $E_x=\frac{1}{2}mv^2$. This is a scalar
      • Gravitational Potential: $E_p=mgh$. This is
      • Applied Force: $F_{s}=Nm$
    • For objects in motion (inc. stationary), it is assumed that their total mechanical energy (TME) = $E_{x}+E_{p}$ will be constant for that object.
  • A bird realises it is a flightless bird and plummets to the ground. What is its final velocity as it hits the ground? It has a mass of $15.4kg$ and falls from a height of $1.58m$. It was "flying" at a speed of $3.44m\space s^{-1}$
    To solve,
  • Construct a vector diagram
    • We know energy is conserved, so both things need to add up in both states.
    • There is no initial kinetic energy and no gravitational potential energy in the end
    • So, the gravitational potential energy at the start is equal to the kinetic energy at the end.
    • $mgh=\frac{1}{2}mv^2$ $\therefore v=\sqrt{2gh}=5.56m \space s^{-1}$.
    • Now we have the horizontal and vertical vector components, so we can determine the resultant, which is the final velocity.


  • Is $\frac{work}{time}$ i.e the rate at which work is done.