
  • Formula - $p=mv$
    • Momentum is a vector quantity
    • Measured in $kg \space m\space s^{-1}$
    • Is a conserved quantity
  • Conservation of momentum
    • $\sum\limits P$ before = $\sum\limits P$ after.
    • i.e $m_{1}u_{1}+m_{2}u_{2}=m_{1}v_{1}+m_{2}v_{2}$
  • You must put your answer in scientific notation #testanswer
    • i.e $100kg \space m \space s^{-1}$ should be $10.0 \times 10^{2}$
    • Also, $ms^{-1}$ is milliseconds, so you should write $m \space s^{-1}$ for meters per second
  • Question
    • A truck of mass $1.50t$ is travelling west at $110 \space kmh^{-1}$ when it has a head on collision with a car of $750kg$ travelling $74 kmh^{-1}$ east. If the final velocity of the truck is $46.7kmh^{-1}$ west, what is the final velocity of the car in $kmh^{-1}$.
  • $\triangle P=P_{Final}-P_{Initial}$
    • Two dimensional problem.
Conservation of Mass
  • [Any conserved quantity] can be neither created or destroyed
  • Anything that is not matter is energy

Rate of change of momentum

  • Is measured in $kg \space m\space s^{-2}$ which is actually just $N$

  • Impulse, on the other hand is measured in $Ns$ - Newton seconds, not seconds per newton

    • It is formulated $F\triangle t=m(v-u)$
    • Because $F=ma$, and $a=\frac{\triangle v}{\triangle t}$
    • $F\triangle t=m \triangle v$
    • then, $F\triangle t=m(v-u)$