Nuclear Physics


  • The time it takes for half of the radioisotopes in a sample of a given radioisotope to undergo decay.
  • Mass does not disappear - if the question asks how much sample is left, it is the same
  • 3 ways to measure
    • Number of nuclei - however, the decayed nuclides are now nuclides of a different isotope
    • Mass - but actual mass of entire sample will not change significantly since little actual mass is lost because of the existence of other isotopes
    • Actually measured disintegrations per second ($DPS$ measured in becquerels - $Bq$)

Mass Defect/Nuclear Binding Energy

  • The fact that the mass of any given nuclide is less than the sum of the individual masses of its protons and neutrons of which it is composed
    • i.e. there is a mass defect
    • This was converted to energy when the nuclide was formed, related by the equation $E=mc^2$
  • **Nuclear binding energy is not the energy holding the nucleus together
    • Instead, it is the energy that was lost in forming the nucleus
    • It is the same amount of energy that is required to break the nucleus apart.
  • One AMU (Atomic Mass Unit) is $1/12$ the mass of a carbon-12 atom
  • Proton: 1.007276
  • Neutron: 1.008665
  • Boron-11: 11.009305
  • $1u$ = $1.66\times 10^{-27} = 931 MeV$

Nuclear Fission

  • Bombard large nuclei with neutrons, then they have a tendency to become unstable and can split into $2+$ fragments.
  • Fuel - $U^{235}$
  • Fuel rods
  • Moderator - slows down neutrons longer to be captured by nuclides - water, heavy water, graphite
  • Control Rods - absorb excess neutrons - boron and cadmium
  • Coolant - water, heavy water
Waste Management
  • Low Level

    • Clothing, wrappings, containers, tools
    • Incineration - i.e. putting it into the atmosphere, the isotope isn't actually destroyed
    • Burying - fine, don't go digging
  • Medium Level

  • High Level