Nuclear Physics CAP - Revision

The nuclear model

  • Bohr's model of the atom; each atom is made up of a nucleus, which has the nuclides protons and neutrons, and electrons
    • Protons and neutrons comprise most of the mass (electrons have a negligible mass)
    • Protons are positively charged; neutrons neutral and electrons negatively

Nuclear Stability

  • The result of the strong nuclear force between nuclides, holding them and therefore the atom together.
    • This opposes the electromagnetic force - like charges (in this case, protons) repel
    • The strong nuclear force is more effective at short distances (something something quark gluon)

Unstable things

  • Some nuclides are unstable - there are patterns as to why, but we don't have definitive rules - a lot of them just are
    • These ones spontaneously decay
    • Depending on their properties, these nuclides will undergo alpha, beta ($\pm$), or gamma decay
      • This occurs until they become stable nuclides


  • The time it takes for one half of a sample of a radioisotope to decay
    • The half-life indicates the rate of decay
    • Remember half powering

Alpha, Beta and Gamma

  • For the below; ionisation refers to the process whereby an atom gains a positive or negative charge by loss or gain of electron


  • Very ionising
  • Stopped by paper
  • Is a helium nuclide
    • $$^{a}{b}X\rightarrow ^{a-4}{b-2}Y+^{4}_{2}\alpha$$


  • Relatively non-ionising
  • Stopped by lead
  • EMR
    • $$^{A*}{Z}X\rightarrow ^{A}{Z}X+^{0}_{0}\gamma$$


  • Ionising
  • Stopped by aluminium
  • Extremely energised electrons
  • A proton decays into a neutron, a positron and a neutrino
    • $$^{1}{1}P\rightarrow ^{0}{1}\beta + ^{1}_{0}Z$$
  • A neutron decays into a proton, electron and an antineutrino
    • $$^{3}{1}H \rightarrow ^{3}{2}He+^{0}_{-1}e$$

Absorbed dose and dose equivalent

  • Absorbed dose is the amount of radiation that is absorbed by a mass
    • It is measured in milligrays, where grays are the SI unit and calculated $=\frac{E}{m}$
  • dose equivalent accounts for the type of radiation using the quality factor (on the formula sheet)
    • It is measured in millisieverts, where sieverts are the SI unit and calculated $=\frac{E\times quality \space factor}{m}$

E=mc^2 in binding energy

  • Binding energy is the amount of energy required to bind together the nucleons in a nucleus
  • It is the same amount of energy required to break apart the nucleus
  • If we measure the mass of the nucleus and of its nuclides, the nucleus has slightly less mass
    • This is because mass - mass defect - is lost when forming the nucleus because some of it is converted to energy - the binding energy