Vectors & Scalars

  • Scalars are fully defined by magnitude only
    • Distance - this is the distance travelled from A to B
  • Vectors have a magnitude and direction
    • May put arrow on top to indicate $\vec{s}$
    • Exceptions do exist if the question asks for the magnitude (understand context of question)
    • Also, if given compass directions, then return in compass directions.
      • Don't write compass directions if they are not explicitly given; for rivers, for example, just write up/downstream if North not given
    • Assume vehicles are moving forward
    • Assume falling objects are going down
  • Below is a vector quantity table;
Velocity$v$ ($=\frac{s}{t}$)Speed$m s^{-1}$
Acceleration$a$ ($=\frac{v}{t}$)$ms^{-2}$
Force$F$ ($=ma$)$N$
$W$ ($=F_s$)Work$J$
Temperature$C$ or $K$
Vector vs Free body diagram
  • Free body diagrams show all real forces acting on a body
    • $W$ - weight/gravitational force
    • $Lift$ - lift force
    • $Drag$ - drag force
    • $Thrust$ - thrust force
    • Don't write acceleration - it isn't a force!
    • The diagram is centered on a dot
  • Vector diagrams show the resolved vectors acting in a situation
    • Must use arrows (same for FBD)
    • Must have the same vector quantity on each side
    • Must be resolved
    • Define own compass direction (for relevant questions)
    • Head to Tail