Proofs 1


  • Proofs demonstrate the absolute truth of a statement, and should aim to achieve three things
    • Correctness
    • Clarity
    • Simplicity
  • In proving statements, we should know some basic algebraic representations
    • Even numbers - $2m$ for some $m \in \mathbb{Z}$
    • Odd numbers - $2m + 1$ for some $m \in \mathbb{Z}$
    • Divisible by $a$ - $am$ for some $m \in \mathbb{Z}$
    • Perfect Square - There exists $a^2$ for some $a \in \mathbb{Z}$
    • Prime - There does not exist $ab$ for some $a,b \in \mathbb{Z}$ and $a,b>1$
  • There are different ways to prove a statement, these are discussed below

Direct Proof

  • Direct proofs are in response to conditional statements, for example
    • If it is raining, then the grass is wet
    • In the form If P is true, then Q is true
    • This is mathematically represented $P \implies Q$ (P implies Q)
      • P is the hypothesis, and Q is the conclusion
  • Not all conditional statements are true.
The Proof
  • To give a direct proof of a statement $P \implies Q$, we must assume the hypothesis (P) to be true and show the conclusion (Q)
  • Example
    • If a is odd and b is even, then a + b is odd
    • $let \space a = 2n+1 \space for \space some \space n \in \mathbb{Z}$ (we must include for some)
    • $let \space b=2m \space for \space some \space b \in \mathbb{Z}$ (second definition)
    • $a+b=2n+1+2m$
    • $=2(n+m)+1$; this is in the odd form (Introduction) - we must complete that however by stating $for \space some \space n+m \in \mathbb{Z}$
    • $\therefore Q.E.D$; from above it is obviously proved, but we should wrap it up - Q.E.D essentially means it is proved, as you can obviously see
  • There may be more complex examples
    • These will require factorisation and algebraic manipulation, and expanded reasoning
    • The logic stays the same though
    • Knights and Knaves questions will almost always require the consideration of all cases

Proof by Contrapositive

  • Sometimes it is difficult to prove $P \implies Q$ through direct proof; consider
    • If $n^{2}+2n+1$ is even then $n$ is odd
    • We can't assume P ($n^{2}+2n+1$) because it is difficult to define
    • However we can use the contrapositive
  • The contrapositive of $P \implies Q$ is $Q' \implies P'$ (the negated things in the opposite order)
  • Making something opposite is called negation - the negation of $1+1=2$ is $1+1 \not = 2$
    • We can, however, encounter more difficult negations.
    • Consider negation of (6 is divisible by 2 and 3)
    • We can use De morgan's laws for this
      • not (P and Q) is the same as (not P) or (not Q)
      • not (P or Q) is the same as (not P) and (not Q)
    • Therefore the above becomes 6 is not divisible by 2 or 6 is not divisible by 3
Using Negation for the Contrapositive
  • For the above, If $n$ is even then $n^{2}+2n+1$ is odd
  • If the original P => Q is true, it's contrapositive will always be true, and vice versa
    • The above is therefore true and can be directly proved
  • Let us consider the above; If $n^{2}+2n+1$ is even then $n$ is odd
    • First, we should negate both sides and flip them - writing the contrapositive
    • This is If $n$ is even then $n^{2}+2n+1$ is odd in the form $P \implies Q$
    • $let \space n = 2a \space for \space some \space a \in \mathbb{Z}$
    • $n^{2}+2n+1 = (2a)^{2}+2(2a)+1$
    • $=4a^2+4a+1$; getting us into even number accounted form
    • $=2(2a^{2}+2a)+1$; it may seem like we are doing little but this puts us in the traditional odd form
      • $for \space some \space a^{2}+2a \in \mathbb{Z}$
    • $\therefore Q.E.D$

Equivalence Proofs

  • Equivalent Statements are given in the form $P \iff Q$
    • To prove equivalence though, we must first prove a statement and The converse
  • In written form, $P \iff Q$ is P is true if and only if Q is true, for example;
    • Your heart is beating if and only if you are alive (this is an equivalent statement)
  • If a question includes if and only if, remember to consider both cases
    • To indicate the case being proven, write $\implies$ or $\impliedby$
The converse
  • If a statement $P \implies Q$ exists, then the converse is simply $Q \implies P$
    • i.e the contrapositive with less steps

Disproving of Statements

  • In general, when disproving statements, we only need one example
  • There are, however, two types of statements you may have to disprove;
    • Universal Quantification (also known as for all).
      • For all natural numbers n, 2n > n + 1
      • The above statement can only be proved by providing an argument concerning all natural numbers n
    • Existential Quantification (also known as there exists)
      • There exists an integer m such that m^2 = 25
      • Due to the nature of this statement, we only need one integer m to prove the statement
    • Both of these statements involve quantifiers. In order to disprove, we should know Negating Quantifiers
Negating Quantifiers
  • To negate quantifiers, we just swap 'there exists' and 'for all' and then negate the rest of the statement
    • For all natural numbers n, 2n > n+1 $\rightarrow$ There exists natural number n such that 2n =< n + 1
    • And vice versa.
  • Universal Quantifications
    • Can be disproved via counterexample - this is because it asserts truth without exception.
  • Existential Quantification
    • This is different - because this involves a there exists (truth with exceptions), we must prove that there does not exist at all