PPT - Role Of Government
Government Policy Objectives
Sustainable Economic Growth
- **stable economic growth **that can be sustained over the long term (maintained for future generations)
- Economic growth refers to the growth in the production capacity of an economy over time (usually measured in terms of GDP)
- Estimated target range is 3-4% GDP growth rate per annum
Price Stability
- Price Stability
Where prices are stable and not fluctuating
- Requires low inflation rates
Target range is 2-3% rate of inflation p.a.
Full Employment
- Refers to z
- This means that cyclical unemployment is zero
- A person is considered unemployed when they are willing and able to work and in paid work for at least an hour a week
- estimated target is 4.5%
Equitable Income Distribution
- Promotion of the welfare of all Australians
- Achieved through measures to improve vertical equity (not a term that needs to be known) like the progressive tax system
- There is no target
Taxation and Revenue
- The two tasks of the government are to collect revenue and spend money
- main taxes
- Taxes on Goods and Services
- Income tax
- Excise and Customs duty
- know the size and composition, basically the main revenue/expenditure
- Impact: where the tax is levied or collected (who it is put on)
- Incidence: where the burden of the tax falls (who pays it)
- Leads to;
- Direct tax: collected from the taxpayer's income (individual or corporate)
- impact and incidence fall on same party
- Indirect tax: impact and incidence falls on different people
- e.g. excise or GST
- impact on firms, incidence on consumers (in this case)
- Direct tax: collected from the taxpayer's income (individual or corporate)
Progressive, Regressive and Proportional Tax
- Progressive tax: increasing proportion of tax as income increases
- Burden mainly falls on those who earn higher levels of income
- Regressive tax: decreasing proportion of income taxed as income increases
- Greater burden on lower income earners
- e.g. excise tax: low income earner will be taxed a higher proportion of their income
- Proportional tax: constant proportion of income
- e.g. Australian company tax is 30% for big companies and 27.5% for small
Tax Concepts
- Specific: charges on the volume of sales regardless of price
- Ad valorem: (Value added tax) levied as a percentage of price (real estate or personal property)
Income tax
Personal Income tax (IMPORTANT)
- Levied on all wage and salary income
- direct taxation with a progressive burden
Company tax (IMPORTANT) - proportional tax
- impact on individual company
- incidence fall on consumers as cost is passed on
Fringe benefits tax - levied on the value of non-cash benefits given to employees in addition to their salary or wage
- e.g. company cars, school fees for children
Taxes on Goods and Services
- broad based tax levied at 10% of the price of most goods and services
- impact on seller
- incidence on consumer
- revenue collected by the federal government and distributed to the state governments
Excise duty (IMPORTANT) - imposed at a flat rate on domestically produced goods such as alcohol cigarettes, oil products
- revenue raising
- levied on price inelastic goods
- reduce externalities
Customs Duty - indirect tax levied on imported goods (i.e. a tariff)
- means of protecting Australian producers from overseas competition
Taxes on property and wealth
Capital Gains Tax (IMPORTANT) NOT! HAHAHAHa jk
- progressive tax which is levied on capital gains (profits) from the sale of assets held for longer than 12 months
- adjusted for inflation
- applies to shares, etc.
Also exists Resource Rent tax, Carbon tax, Emissions trading scheme